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Plant type Subtropicals, Trees
Plant Uses Specimen Trees

Best uses

Add to tropical plantings to add height and texture. Mix with vireya rhododendrons, bromeliads and other tropical or subtropical plants.

Physical characteristics

Tall palm growing to 25m tall and 5m with unfurled fronds.

Flowers and foliage

Fronds are around 4m long, arching green on the upper surface and silvery beneath with small brown hairs. This palm shows off its slightly bulbous purple crown shaft visible when old leaves have just fallen or been removed.

Preferred site

This palm prefers full sun and well-drained but moist soil.

Maintenance tips

Remove old fronds when they get tatty and die back. Mulch annually with an organic mulch to help retain moisture and suppress weeds. Each spring, apply an organic-based fertiliser such as blood and bone at a handful per square metre as new growth begins.

Pests and diseases

Generally trouble-free. Fronds may get wind burnt in exposed sites.

Location at Auckland Botanic Gardens

Palm Garden

Interesting facts and tips

This is the slowest growing of the Archontophoenix species.

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