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Plant type Trees

Best uses

Great for small gardens, patios and courtyard gardens. It would also be suitable for growing in a large container. Alternatively, it could be incorporated into beds, borders and mixed plantings.

Physical characteristics

A fabulous small, deciduous tree growing to around 2m tall and 2.5m wide.

Flowers and foliage

Leaves are large, mid-green and heart-shaped. Flowers are produced in clusters directly from the branches. They are bright pink pea-like and appear in late spring before the leaves emerge.

Preferred site

Prefers full sun to part shade in moist but well-drained soil.

Maintenance tips

Mulch well in spring and water thoroughly during dry periods for the first two or three years. Mulching helps to conserve moisture and suppress weeds.

Pests and diseases

Generally trouble-free but can be affected by canker.

Location at Auckland Botanic Gardens

Urban Trees

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