Physical characteristics
A perennial, tuberous begonia growing to around 0.3m tall and 0.2m wide. Protect from frost.
Flowers and foliage
Flowers from late spring through summer to autumn. Large double flowers are produced in a range of colours.
Preferred site
Maintenance tips
Easy to maintain. Remove spent flowers regularly to promote new buds. Feed with liquid fertiliser fortnightly through the growing season to promote flowering and healthy growth. Once flowering has finished, tubers can be taken out, dried off and placed into a cool,
Pests and diseases
Rot can be a problem if tubers become too
Location at Auckland Botanic Gardens
Interesting facts and tips
If the small buds at either side of the main flower are removed before they get too large, then this will result in the main flower becoming larger and will be double. The smaller side buds are usually single.