Apply an organic mulch annually to help suppress weeds and conserve moisture. Feed annually in spring with a balanced fertiliser such as blood and bone at a handful per square metre in spring as new growth begins. Once this bulb is established it should be left as they dislike disturbance. It is easily propagated by seed or from offsets. Offsets can be removed from the parent plants after flowering and planted directly where they are to be left. Seed can be collected once ripe but doesn't need to be removed from the plant immediately. It is best left until the red skin around the seed has started to wrinkle, this indicates that the seed is now fully ripe, usually in early spring. The seed should be cleaned by gently removing the outer red skin by peeling or rubbing it off taking care not to damage the soft fleshy seed within. Seed can be sown immediately, press the seed into the surface of a good light potting mix and water, keep the seed damp. Once germinated it will take approx three years to flower.