Edible Garden
Inspiration for food you can easily grow at home
Incredible edibles
If you have always wanted to grow food but never knew where to start, or are looking for some new ideas, visit the Auckland Botanic Gardens’ Edible Garden. We display a range of productive plants – from traditional Kiwi vegetables to more unusual or heritage varieties from around the world – get inspired and add some new elements to your dinner. Food harvested directly from the garden is better for you, tastes great and generally costs less! All the plants we grow thrive in Auckland conditions – and you can grow food easily in Auckland throughout the year.
In the Edible Garden discover the multitude of ways you can grow food: against walls, as a hedge, in the form of a ’food forest’, in raised boxes, pots and recycled containers. The fruit and vegetables in the Edible Garden glow with health and vitality. You can explore a host of edible flowers (download an info sheet). The garden is organic - we don’t use any artificial inputs (chemical fertilisers or chemical sprays). Learn how you can create a healthy garden by building biodiversity and making your own compost and fertilisers; healthy soil - healthy plants – healthy people.