Bananas, citrus, macadamias, pears, feijoas, figs, plums, persimmon and more!
Fruitful trees for Auckland gardens
Bananas, citrus, macadamias, pears, feijoas, figs, plums, persimmon, apples, peach and white sapote (tastes like custard!) are amongst the fruit grown in the orchard at Auckland Botanic Gardens. All these different varieties of fruit have been recommended by specialist growers for this region. Take a walk through the orchard and get ideas for growing some tasty fruit in your home garden too.
Plant a fruit or nut for every season so you’ll always have something fresh in your fruit bowl. Because they are so fresh, fruit and vegetables from your garden are more nutritious than commercially grown varieties that are likely to have been cool-stored. You can also know exactly what you are eating as many commercial fruits are sprayed with chemicals. If you are interested to try growing your own the trees here have been selected for their suitability for Auckland home gardens, lifestyle blocks and schools. They have been trialled and do not require spraying with insecticides or fungicides. Not only will growing your own save money but it’s very satisfying to share surplus fruit with friends and family (and home-made home-grown preserves are a great gift). Children love harvesting and eating from the garden too.