Rock Garden
Search for tiny treasures nestled amongst the rocks and spot miniature bulbs with delicate, flawless flowers
A stunning collection of cacti and succulents
Discover minuscule plants that were originally collected by passionate plant-hunters on the tops of Earth’s mountain ranges. Admire architectural cacti and succulents from South America. Learn how seemingly unusual characteristics are actually amazing adaptations that help these plants grow successfully in harsh or different environments.
Check to see if the wonderful Ceiba speciosa is flowering – guess why it has quirky common names including palo borracho or ’drunken stick’, monkey no climb or silk floss tree. Here also find the iconic Aloe barberae dotted around the garden, and the mysteriously named Dragon’s Blood tree (Dracaena draco).
The sunny, sheltered, free-draining conditions in the rock gardens support a diverse range of succulents, bulbs, perennials and trees. Look carefully and you can find something different, exquisite and interesting here at any time of the year. Some of the more common of these plants, if commercially available, would grow successfully in your Auckland home garden too.

Echeveria secunda