Spring Blossom Valley
Spring is signalled by blossoms and bulbs flowering
Where spring blossoms explode into colour!
Countries all over the world celebrate the arrival of spring signalled by blossoms and bulbs – join others around the southern hemisphere - come and have a picnic in the sun with friends and family and celebrate the season of renewal and regrowth.
On your way to the Camellia and Magnolia Gardens, take a stroll through Spring Blossom Valley and feast your senses as bright bulbs push through the ground and blossom explodes on the trees. Be entertained by the antics of the beautiful native tui as they have their own party and get drunk on the nectar.
These plants could all potentially grow in your Auckland home garden. If your location is either sheltered or exposed, take ideas from the plantings along the stream banks. As a natural gully, the plants that require shelter and / or shade have been planted on the lower slopes and the more wind and sun-tolerant plants are planted on higher slopes. Check our events calendar for upcoming events including topics on planting the right plant in the right place, how to prune and when, and how to attract more birds to your garden.

Prunus 'Pink Cloud'