Adult Botanical Art in Stick and Ink, Pen and Ink Stipple

Adult Botanical Art in Stick and Ink, Pen and Ink Stipple

Award winning natural history illustrator Sandra Morris will introduce you to the world of botanical art using techniques that are a great way to start.

With stick and ink you will loosen up and be surprised at what you can create on a large scale. Pen and ink stipple is a great way to start your botanical art experience, and  for some it opens the door to a career in Botanical and Scientific iIlustration. You will leave the course with new skills ready to start drawing the plants from your own garden.

Book your place at this free event:

Course outline

  • Presentation showcasing both examples of these two very different techniques and looking at some modern practitioners in the botanical art world.
  • How to dissect a flower and learn the names of the flower parts.
  • How to accurately measure and draw to scale.
  • How to be effective with pen and ink stippling technique- how to capture form and tone with stipple.
  • Advice on correct papers to use and art materials brands.

Materials to bring with you:

2 x  A2 sheets of cartridge paper

                                               •     Scalpel or small sharp craft knife for dissection work

                                                   •.    Something to cut on- A4 size- card or cutting mat.

                                                   •     Magnifying glass.

Book your place at this free event:

Report to the Visitor Information desk in the Huakaiwaka Visitor Centre for directions to the Top Classroom.

30 March 2025
1:30pm - 4pm

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