Better, Smarter, Greener
Better Smarter Greener is an optimistic and hopeful exploration of life in the face of climate change, designed and created by MOTAT.
This module-based experience will be on display at the Gardens until March.
Visit Better Smarter Greener and be educated and inspired with tangible examples of simple, achievable actions that you can take to reduce your carbon footprint, in your own back yard.
MOTAT have designed this to look like an Auckland “back yard” filled with easy to grow plants, including edibles, as well as examples of how tech can be used in gardening. It also features examples of how we can reduce environmental impact using technology.
In addition to the physical installation, you can jump online to, and experience more Better Smarter Greener ideas and get more inspiration and information, including collab posts with the Auckland Botanic Gardens, collection highlights, and DIY activities for kids.
Combine visiting the module with a picnic, a play in the Children's Garden or a stroll around the Gardens.