Botanic Gardens Day celebration
Community invited to join the National Botanic Gardens Day Celebration at the Auckland Botanic Gardens this Sunday
Botanic gardens are increasingly being recognised as the frontline in tackling the biggest challenges facing our future - food security, pest and disease eradication, and adaptation to a changing climate. To highlight this work, botanic gardens from Australia and New Zealand are hosting their third Botanic Garden Day celebration on Sunday 27 May with an invitation extended to all.
The Botanic Gardens Day is a national day of recognition that will showcase the achievements botanic gardens have made in the field of plant conservation. More than 75 botanic gardens across the country will be participating this year, marking the day with series of special activities that will encourage communities to explore their botanic garden, while learning about their commitment to protect plants from the threat of extinction. The Botanic Gardens Day events are again expected to attract 150,000 visitors to the 75+ participating botanic gardens this year.
“On Sunday 27 May all Auckland residents are invited to the Garden to be part of the nation’s third Botanic Garden Day. There will be a series of fun and engaging community activities throughout the day that will allow you to explore our beautiful garden and learn about some of the amazing plant conservation work we are doing here,” said Auckland Botanic Gardens manager, Mr Jack Hobbs.

“By participating in Botanic Gardens Day you will be joining thousands of people from across the nation who will be visiting their local botanic garden, connecting with their neighbours and perhaps uncovering a new passion for protecting the plants that give us life,” Mr Hobbs added.
“The importance of plants cannot be understated. They are the source of most traditional and herbal medicines and with malnutrition effecting approximately 800 million people worldwide, botanic gardens will play an important role in addressing food shortages with viable food plant options. Their loss from our environment will have a devastating impact on the planet and its people,” Mr Jack Hobbs said.
Auckland Botanic Gardens is committed to a number of plant conservation projects from native plants to exotic camellias.
“It’s projects like these across the nation that are making a real difference to the survival of plants in our country”
“Visit Auckland Botanic Gardens this Sunday to celebrate with us and to learn how you can save the planet - one plant at time. And who knows, you may find your inner botanist,” Mr Jack Hobbs concluded.
For Auckland Botanic Garden’s full Botanic Gardens Day event program, visit our website.
The Botanic Gardens Day is organised by BGANZ Inc. in conjunction with the 75 participating botanic gardens nation-wide. All participating botanic gardens are listed on www.bganz.org.ay #BotanicgardensDay
Australia’s Ambassador for the Botanic Gardens Day, Costa Georgiadis, had these words to share about this annual national event:

“Botanic gardens have gathered centuries of resources and expertise and play a key role in plant conservation. Such work not only conserves threatened plant species, but forms the basis of critical science and research projects looking at some of the most important challenges we face,” said Costa Georgiadis, Ambassador for the Botanic Gardens Day.
“Botanic Garden staff are passionate about their work and we see our role as educating, training and imparting knowledge to ensure our future is in safe hands.”
“Some of the biggest challenges of our time are being tackled on the botanic garden frontline. We know plants are critical to our lives, but there is still a low awareness in the general community of the work that botanic gardens undertake. That is what the Botanic Gardens Day is all about.”