Dog bylaw review - make a submission
Auckland Council is reviewing its dog policies, including dog access rules at Auckland Botanic Gardens. Submissions are open now for you to share your thoughts on how dogs can best coexist at Auckland Botanic Gardens.
Since 2006, the Gardens has welcomed responsible dog owners to exercise their pets off-leash in the designated open space north of the roses. In 2024 the Council announced it was reviewing dog by-laws.
Demand for the use of our dog exercise space has grown considerably and continues to grow, along with the number of overall visitors.
The proposed changes will clearly define the off-leash and on-leash areas will also prohibit dogs from:
· Huakaiwaka Visitor centre
· Café area (excluding western café terrace)
· designated food concessionaire areas
· Potter Children’s Garden
· cultivated garden areas
· exclusion areas and banks around and in all waterbodies, including the Puhinui Stream, lakes, dams, ponds and other streams and waterways; and
· service areas (Depot and Nursery).
The off-leash exercise area will remain, and dogs must be under control at times.
These proposals aim to keep a good mix of dog-friendly and dog-free spaces so there are places for dogs, as well as anyone who is not a dog person, to enjoy.
Individuals and stakeholders are encouraged to have their say on the review.
Engagement sessions are being held over the next few weeks across Auckland. Here you can find out more about what the proposed changes mean for you, and how to have your say. Full information is available on AKHaveYourSay.nz
To make an online submission tick the box ‘Changes to dog access rules at Regional Parks’ then choose Auckland Botanic Gardens.
The Botanic Gardens remains committed to being a welcoming space for all visitors, balancing the needs of different user groups while maintaining safety and enjoyment for everyone.
Consultation is open until 23 February 2025.