Te Kura o te Kauri
Learn about our forest giants
Kauri are the giants of Aotearoa’s northern forest but these magnificent trees are under threat from a soil born pathogen.
You can learn more about kauri and the dieback disease threatening their existence when Te Kura o te Kauri visit Auckland Botanic Gardens for a weekend of free workshops on December 12 and 13.
Te Kura o te Kauri (TKOTK) will be on site with hands on learning modules including a six minute virtual reality tour from the top of a kauri to its roots in the soil.
TKOTK is a science outreach and education programme focused on kauri trees, forest health, and the microbiology behind kauri dieback disease.
Their aim is to introduce visitors to the science and mātauranga behind forest health and ecology and to spread awareness about good forest hygiene. At the heart of the project are three modules covering subjects such as soil and the things that live in it, cyanotype printing, and microbiology.
Visitors will get hands-on experience with microscopes and learning within a virtual reality environment.