August is the last month of winter, you can start preparing for spring!
August is still cold and wet, but the end of winter is in sight. There will be little to harvest in the vege garden, but you can start sowing under shelter.
What to plant
Edible garden
- Use a mini greenhouse or bright partially shaded and sheltered spot to germinate seeds: sow into trays, beetroot, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, chives, coriander, dill, parsley, celery, leeks, lettuce, pak choi, rocket and spring onions. Transplant these into small pots when large enough.
Flower Garden
- Use a mini greenhouse or bright partially shaded and sheltered spot to germinate seeds of alyssum and lobelia. It is easier to start these off in pots and then plant out once they are bigger.
- Remember to protect seedlings from slugs and snails, birds, and in some areas rabbits!
What to harvest
- Harvest cabbages, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, herbs, beetroot, silverbeet, Florence fennel and broad beans etc.
- Citrus trees may still be carrying fruit.
- Pick spring bulbs and other flowers for the vase.
Shrubs and perennials
- Trim frost-damaged growth from plants once the chance of frost has diminished
- Stake perennials that will grow tall during summer.
- Check stakes and ties around trees to ensure they don’t start to rub or grow into the trunk.
- During wet winter periods, it is best not to cut your grass too low as this can result in boggy ground. Grass with extra foliage transpires more effectively and grows more vigorously, and therefore helps reduce the amount of mud.