November is the last month of spring, and summer is about to arrive. The days are longer and warmer and the garden is full of the buzz of spring.
With summer on its way, keep on planting the vege garden to fill the gaps for bountiful harvests.
What to plant
Edible Garden
- Continue sowing seed directly into the garden sweetcorn, cucumbers, beans, melons, squash, zucchini, pumpkins, carrots, beetroot, silverbeet and coriander in a cool spot.
- You can still plant cucurbits (pumpkin, squash and zucchini) now too.
- Plant out tomatoes, eggplants, capsicum and cucurbits (pumpkin, squash and zucchini).
- Remember to protect seedlings from slugs and snails as they emerge.
- Regularly apply liquid fertiliser to promote vigorous, healthy growth.
- Kumara shoots will be available to buy in garden centres in November. They require ample space, free draining soil and not too much fertiliser. Harvest in autumn. However it is not really recommended to grow kumara in Auckland.
Flower Garden
- Start to regularly remove spent blooms from roses to prolong the flowering period.
- Plant seedlings of cosmos, lobelia, marigold, petunia, salvia, begonias, impatiens and zinnia
- Direct sow cleomes, sunflowers, marigolds and zinnias.
- Sow wildflower seed where they are to flower for colour and to attract beneficial insects.
Remember to protect all your seedlings from slugs and snails, birds, and in some areas, you may need to protect from rabbits!
What to harvest
- Cabbages, kale, herbs and broad beans may still be harvested.
- Citrus trees may still be carrying fruit.
- Bring in cut flowers of early perennials and spring bulbs.
- Some early strawberries may start to be ready to harvest.
Shrubs and perennials
- Prune winter and spring-flowering shrubs (such as camellias, flowering manuka and Hebe diosmifolia) once flowering is completed
- Keep an eye on stakes and ties around trees to ensure they do not start to rub or grow into the trunk.
- Keep grass away from the base of trees, apply a good thick layer of mulch around the base to help with moisture retention and to suppress weeds.
- If a lawn has been sown or turf laid, it is important to make sure it is kept well-watered through the drier months.