Research at the Gardens
"Delightful scientific shade, for knowledge as for pleasure made"
“Delightful scientific shade, for knowledge as for pleasure made”.
This verse, quoted at the Auckland Botanic Gardens official opening in 1982 remains just as relevant today.
Understanding how plants grow and survive, interact and react with people, support our livelihoods and biodiversity are crucial questions facing plant scientists, breeders and ecologists worldwide. Here at the Auckland Botanic Gardens, our collection of over 8000 different plants enables us to support research into many aspects of plants, ecology and gardening.
We are particularly interested in research on sustainable approaches to gardening, for example, disease resistance (avoiding the use of toxic chemicals), soil health, conservation and biodiversity, and the role plants play in improving water quality.
We enjoy research partnerships and are currently working with a range of government institutions, local trusts and universities on several research projects. Our gardens collections are host sites for student research. If you think we can assist you with access to our collections, staff expertise or facilities, contact us to discuss your research project or complete the form here.