Donate to the Friends
Help the Friends support the Auckland Botanic Gardens
Your donations enable the Friends to continue to support the Gardens, helping to ensure the conservation and preservation of the only botanic garden in the Auckland region.
To donate to Friends of the Auckland Botanic Gardens Inc, add a donation amount to your membership application form, or make a payment using one of the methods below:
- Eftpos or cash: Pay in person at the Auckland Botanic Gardens visitor centre
- Direct deposit (internet banking): Pay to account ASB 123011 0757619 00 Please include your name in the particulars and DONATION in the reference field. Please advise that you have made the deposit by emailing friendsofabg@gmail.com
Make a bequest
By including a gift to Friends of the Auckland Botanic Gardens Inc in your will, you can enhance the support the Friends are able to provide to the Auckland Botanic Gardens.
For more information, please read our Bequest Information Sheet that you can discuss with your solicitor or legal advisor.
Contact the Friends
If you have further queries, please contact our office - email friendsofabg@gmail.com or phone 021 122 7418.